Granny’s Wisdom; It’s all water under the bridge

Toberona River Co.Louth As I sit down to reflect on the journey of my life, I can’t help but feel a sense of awe at how swiftly time is passing by. It seems like just yesterday I was a wide-eyed youth, full of dreams and ambitions, eager to conquer the world. As...

Granny’s Wisdom

 “A fool is someone who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing”. Oscar Wilde My Granny’s wisdom was profound and gold in my life. I remember hearing my granny saying many words over the years when alive this one included; “A...

St Patrick

St. Patrick Origins, Life, and Enduring Legacy St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated worldwide, drawing crowds with parades, festivities, and seas of green. Beyond the vibrant celebrations lies a captivating tale shrouded in myth and legend—the story of St. Patrick...

Irish Philosophers

Earliest Irish philosophers Aonghus Óg Aonghus Óg is a figure from Irish mythology and is associated with love and youth. Specific quotes that are attributed to him may not exist, but statements inspired by their themes endure as follows; “In the heart of every...