You'd be hard up for soup if you boiled the dish cloth!

Irish words of wisdom Funny

You’d Be Hard Up for Soup if You Boiled the Dish Cloth!

My granny had lots of sayings including; “You’d be hard up for soup if you boiled the dish cloth.” This saying might elicit a chuckle, but it carries a deeper meaning that reflects practical wisdom and Irish humor. She used in the context of finding a man and settling for someone who is less than you deserve. Have you ever heard of that saying and in what context? I’d love to hear your answer.

Here are some other sayings of hers;

What’s done is done.

There’s no point in crying over spilt milk.

You can’t take a feather of a frog but you can throw the frog in jail.

Love is blind and marriage is an eye opener.

Bit by bit the bird builds their nest.

Stolen money goes as quickly as snow off a rope.

Better to have bad luck than no luck at all.

It’s a long road that theres no turn in.

It’s all water under the bridge.

People will learn you.

Never a borrower or a lender be.

You can take the girl out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the girl.

The Irish Spirit

Throughout history, the Irish have faced numerous challenges, from harsh weather to economic hardships. Yet, they have always maintained a sense of humor and a pragmatic approach to life.

This particular saying also embodies the Irish talent for storytelling and metaphor. By drawing a vivid and amusing picture, the proverb makes its wisdom profound, memorable and impactful. It’s a testament to the Irish way of imparting lessons with a smile, ensuring the message is both understood and enjoyed.

Don’t forget to check out my shop for funny products, and my book, Irish words of wisdom