350 year old Beech Tree
Ireland’s Native trees
As a child, I cherished climbing and sitting under trees on hot summer days, appreciating their magnificence. Blessed with four huge 350-year-old beech trees in my garden, which I call my guardian Angels – Earth’s oldest living guardians. We must preserve and reverence Ireland’s trees for their contribution to our environment and spiritual life.
Our most common native trees include oak, ash, hazel, birch, Scots pine, rowan, and willow. People have brought other trees, such as beech- sycamore- horse chestnut-spruce- larch and fir, from all over the world.
Ireland’s Trees produce the oxygen we breathe
It is worth saying it again; Trees produce the oxygen we breathe. Trees are the biggest plants on the planet. They give life to the world’s wildlife. The forests provide a habitat for many species of animals and plants and trees contribute to their environment improving; air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, stabilizing and preserving soil not to mention providing us with the materials for tools and shelter, health benefits etc…
For tree lovers have a look at the Top 22 benefits and learn why we need to plant more and care for our trees available from: https://www.treepeople.org/tree-benefits.
“The wonder is that we can see these tress and not wonder more.”
Ralph Walde Emerson
Spiritual significance of Trees
“The Spiritual minded man, he looks at an acorn and sees a forest.” Joseph Murphy
In many cultures a tree symbolizes the world center, where heaven and earth touch, where all times and places converge.
Trees, considered sacred, offer a focal point for meditation, enlightenment, guidance, and prayer. If we open ourselves to their energy, they will converse with us.
Oak Tree
Meaning: The Goddess Tree
Symbolism: Cosmic storehouse of wisdom embodied within its towering strength.
The oak considered a cosmic storehouse of wisdom embodied within its towering strength.
Ancient Celts observed the oak’s massive growth and impressive expanse. The oak is to honored for its endurance, and noble presence. Wearing oak leaves was a sign of special status among the Celts, Greeks and Romans. And it evolved from lore rooted in earth-based spirituality, recognizing and honoring the regal power of the oak.
Beech Tree
Symbolism – Study and knowledge
The beech tree is related to study and knowledge. Long ago, students kept a piece of bark to succeed in their studies. Beech trees believed to enhance creativity, and to pertain to wisdom and written word.
Tree of Resurrection
Symbolism – Protection & Oracular Powers
In Celtic folklore, they believed that the Alder’s trunk concealed doorways to the fairy realm. “Bran,” the God is sacred to the Alder. Said to have created a bridge spanning the dangerous waters from this world to the other using the chosen wood, “ALDER.” Made from Alder wood, ritual pipes and whistles were in the shape of the Raven.
Ash Tree
Meaning: Tree of Life
Symbolism: Mastership and Power
Ash is the key to healing the loneliness of the human spirit, forming a link between the gods, humans, and the dead in the spirit world. Ash holds the key to Universal Truth and Cosmic Wisdom, and it takes on the important role as a Tree of Initiation.
Aspin Tree
Meaning: Tree of Loyalty and Harmony
Symbolism: Voice of Spirit
The Aspen, considered part of the poplar family, has a habit of shimmering or quivering in the breeze making a distinctive rustling, whispering sound. In several native languages, the name “Trembling Aspen” as “woman’s tongue” or “noisy leaf”.
Birch Tree
Meaning: The Goddess Tree
Symbolism: Renewal
The birch tree is a symbol of renewal and stability and structure. The druids held the birch as the keepers of long-honored traditions.
The birch urges us to venture where no others willingly tread, encouraging us to take root in new soils. It implores us to illuminate our lives with the majesty of our presence, singing, “Shine, take hold, express your creative expanse. Encouraging us to light the way that others may follow.”
Elm Tree
Meaning: Tree of Harmony
Symbolism “Balance, Calm & Peace”
Dating back to ancient times, the Celts covered Europe with dense forests. fes, seen as living, magical beings, provided earthly sustenance and bestowed blessings from the Otherworlds. Ancient Celtic Lore introduced the concept that all living things arise from the Great Mother, Gaia. The Elm often linked to Mother and Earth Goddesses and believed to be the abode of fairies.
Relax in the shade of the Elm tree’s branches and leaves. Say hello across the barriers of form and language letting your hands communicate your intention. Feel the connection to Mother Earth grounding you as you plant your feet firmly. Absorb the energy as you release stressful tensions. Let the Elm nourish you and replace negativity, surrounding you with a protective shield of love, harmony and peace.
Holly Tree
Tree of Protection
Symbolism – Good Luck
Transitioning from the ancient Celts’ tradition, Holly was brought into their homes for its bright, cheerful disposition. Druids considered Holly sacred and kept it in homes during the winter to provide a safe haven for the; ‘little people’.
The Celtic meaning of holly deals with ruling the wintery realms with style, dignity and honor even in the midst of great challenge.
Hazel Tree
Meaning: Tree of Knowledge
Symbolism: Wisdom and poetic Inspiration
In medieval times, people regarded the Hazel tree as sacred, and any unjustified felling of it constituted a crime punishable by death. They believed that consuming Hazel nuts, emblems of concentrated wisdom, granted magical skills and knowledge. The Hazel tree according to Irish folkloare considered the home of “Bile Ratha,” the poetic deity.
Willow Tree
Meaning: Metaphysical and ritual practices
Symbolism: Inspired Imagination
The Willow plays a crucial role in ceremonies. Aiming to enhance psychic abilities and honor the moon, it amplifys the essence of love in our lives.
Our Celtic ancestors observed the willow tree in its natural environment, leading to various uses and associations. Druid priests, dryads, bards, and ovates all acknowledged the willow’s connection to watery domains.
In Irish folklore, terms like Flora and fauna refer to plant and animal life. Closely tied to water symbolizing inspired imagination and considered inhabitants of the psychic realm. The Willow instructs us to persist in growth and to reach highter potentials. Irrespective of where we find ourselves planted.
Rowan Tree
Meaning: Tree of Imbolc
Symbolism: Cosmic storehouse of wisdom embodied within its towering strength.
If we silence ourselves long enough to listen. We hear the rowan speak messages that urge us to look deeper. We will encounter visions into the worlds beyond the one you physically know.”
The Rowan tree has long been revered for balance of beauty and its hardiness.
The Rown branch was traditionally used for divination such for runes and wands. Rowan branches are the first choice for producing divining rods. Druids often crafted rowan wood into staffs.
The druids maintained the rowan as a sacred container for protective energy. It resonates a high, clear vibration that naturally transforms lower (negative) energies, revered as a protective symbol.
In the flourishing landscapes of Ireland, our forebears arrived nine thousand years ago to a land blanketed in trees. Poor agriculture practices starting in the 1600s, Ireland’s proportion of Irish woodland is at an all-time low. Ireland has suffered from almost complete deforestation, leaving merely 1% of native woodland.
If you have any photograph’s of trees you would like to share please share with us.
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