Patrick Kavanagh Poet. The Wiltshire Collection, National Library of Ireland.

About the Son of Monaghan

“The real poverty was lack of enlightenment… I am afraid this fog of unknowing affected me dreadfully.”

Patrick Kavanagh was born in 1904 in the village of Inniskeen, Co. Monaghan. He was the forth son of 10 children his father was a cobbler and farmer. He left school at the age of 13 to work with father as a shoe maker and farmer.was an Irish poet and novelist, best known for his poems that often depicted rural life in Ireland. His legacy is significant and multifaceted:

Patrick Kavanagh Poet

  • Poetry: Kavanagh’s poetry commands high regard for its simplicity, keen observations, and deep connection to the Irish landscape. His most famous work is probably the poem “The Great Hunger,” which explores the hardships of rural life.
  • Early works: “Address to an Old Wooden Gate,” Kavanagh’s first poem, was published in the Dundalk Democrat in 1929.
  • Known for his accounts of Irish life through reference to the everyday and commonplace, Kavanagh considered provincial by his peers.
  • Career: In four stages, one can consider Kavanagh’s career. The Great Hunger and the poems after 1942 – included in Kavanagh’s poetry collection, A Soul for Sale; the Come Dance with Kitty Stobling poems, which include the Canal Bank Walk poems (1960); and the poems of the period after 1960, most of which appear in Collected Poems (1964).
  • Prose: Kavanagh wrote novels and essays. His novel “Tarry Flynn” is one of his notable prose works.

Breaking with Tradition:

Many perceive Kavanagh as a poet who broke away from conventional Irish literary traditions. He portrayed ordinary life and the struggles of rural people in a more realistic and less romanticized manner.

Rural Realism:

His work focuses on the rural landscape and the lives of ordinary people depicting a more realistic and unvarnished portrayal of rural Ireland.

Cultural Impact:

Kavanagh’s work has had a lasting impact on Irish literature. Future generations of poets appreciated his direct and honest approach to depicting the Irish experience can see his influence.

Personal Struggles:

Kavanagh faced immense struggles, including financial difficulties and health issue. These challenges became integral aspects of his artistic expression, adding depth and authenticity to his body of work.

These challenges contribute to the depth and authenticity of his writing.

Recognition and Honors

This trajectory highlights the resilience and enduring value of his work in the literary world. This journey underscores the resilience and enduring value of his work in the literary realm. The year of his death, he earned election to the prestigious Aosdána, the Irish association of artists.

Legacy in Irish Literature:

The literary world remembers Kavanagh as a key figure in 20th-century Irish literature, and scholars continue to study and appreciate his work. His legacy extends beyond his own writings, influencing subsequent generations of Irish writers.

This poem sums his life up perfectly in his poem;

If you ever go to Dublin town
In a hundred years or so
Inquire for me in Baggot street
And what I was like to know
O he was the queer one
Fol dol the di do
He was a queer one
And I tell you

My great-grandmother knew him well,
He asked her to come and call
On him in his flat and she giggled at the thought
Of a young girl’s lovely fall.
O he was dangerous,
Fol dol the di do,
He was dangerous,
And I tell you

On Pembroke Road look out for me ghost,
Dishevelled with shoes untied,
Playing through the railings with little children
Whose children have long since died.
O he was a nice man,
Fol do the di do,
He was a nice man
And I tell you

Go into a pub and listen well
If my voice still echoes there,
Ask the men what their grandsires thought
And tell them to answer fair,
O he was eccentric,
Fol do the di do,
He was eccentric
And I tell you
He had the knack of making men feel
As small as they really were
Which meant as great as God had made them
But as males they disliked his air.
O he was a proud one,
Fol do the di do,

A inspiration to future Irish Poets

Kavangh’s works has influenced many a budding poet across the Island of Ireland. Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney is acknowledged to have been influenced by Kavanagh.

Heaney and Kavanagh share a belief in the capacity of the local, or parochial, to reveal the universal. According to Heaney, Kavanagh’s poetry “had a transformative effect on the general culture and liberated the gifts of the poetic generations who came after him.


Patrick Kavanagh’s poet was characterized by an oppressive and peasant lifestyle. He carried and felt it to his soul. Kavanagh believed that an even bigger problem, the lack of education, knowledge, artistic and spiritual fulfillment. Patrick Kavanagh’s legacy lies in his contributions to Irish literature, his departure from traditional literary norms, and his authentic portrayal of rural life, leaving an indelible mark on the literary landscape of Ireland.

Through all of Patrick Kavanagh’s trials and tribulations, it was in his final years where he found love and confidence, infused with meaningful faith.

If you are in the area you can visit the Patrick Kavanagh Centre. Find out more about at or contact them on 042 937 8560